The Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune. Is it in your Birth Chart?

The Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune. Is it in your Birth Chart?


Uranus conjunct Neptune is a very rare alignment that is not talked about nearly enough. Because both of these outer planets move so slow, they only become conjunct every 168 years. This is a conjunction that is found in many millennial’s birth charts as it lasted for ten years-the planets were within a 10° orb of each other from 1988 to 1998. For a whole decade all the people who were born would have this conjunction in their birth chart. The planets reached their exact conjunction in 1993 at 19° Capricorn. You may also feel the effect of this conjunction outside of these dates if you have a planet that is between Uranus and Neptune and is also conjunct to them both. This would effectively link the two planets to each other as part of a triple conjunction.

Uranus, Neptune, and the collective subconscious.

Uranus is best represented by lightning striking, electricity, and the internet. It is sudden technological advances or innovations that seem to appear almost from nowhere. It also represents breakthroughs and has links to humanitarianism and collectivism in general.

Neptune is creativity, emotions, and spirituality. It is best represented by a thick fog or mist. It is boundary-less. It also has links to music, dancing, dreams, and dreamlike states that are natural or substance induced. Neptune is also sometimes linked with addictions and escapism.

This conjunction in the natal chart will produce people with unconventional creative talents and an unorthodox and free approach to spirituality. It will be obvious to them that they should define their own morals. They will express themselves with a sense of freedom that is inspiring to the other generations. Their approach to life will mostly be unbound by the restrictions of tradition and religion. This sub-generation will leave their imprint on the world by changing societal standards. These people have began to reach maturity and they will continue to leave their comfort zones and embrace who they really are and leave their mark on the world. They will help to usher all the change that is to come.

What this Conjunction Means for You

To get an idea of what this conjunction means for you personally, you should first look for the placement of it by house. This will describe what area of life will be affected. The story will also develop as you look into what type of aspects are made by other planets to this conjunction and by which planets they are made. You can begin to decipher the energy that is being exchanged and you can start to see the possibilities of how the energies may intermingle. If the conjunction of Uranus and Neptune is unaspected in a chart, it may be less impactful specifically in that person’s life.

If this conjunction is also conjunct your sun or moon, you will be a super charged person with a mission to help to change the world. You will feel depressed if you do not feel like you are directly making progress to change the world. These impersonal outer planets all of a sudden become extremely personal you as they become one with either what lights you up–the sun, or what makes you feel comfortable and secure–the moon. You will also have to deal with CRAZY synastry with all of your peers since their outer planets will also be conjunct your sun or moon (see my article on this here). These energies would have been incredibly difficult to navigate as you were growing up and going through adolescence trying to learn how to relate to others.

Triple Conjunction of Uranus, Neptune, & Saturn

We have another powerful mini sub-generation who will all be born with the triple conjunction of Uranus, Neptune and Saturn in their birth charts. These three planets were in a triple conjunction for almost 3 years from 1988 to 1990. Saturn and Uranus both began 1988 in Sagittarius, but in mid February they both switched signs to join Neptune in the sign of Capricorn. Saturn, as the ruler of Capricorn will bring more determination and responsibility to these people and perhaps more of a desire for status. They will be the warriors and the builders of this sub-generation as they will fill like they have a purpose to fulfill. This triple conjunction will become even more super charged in a chart if a person’s sun or moon (or any other personal planets although to a lesser degree) are also conjunct or make aspects to this cluster of planets in Capricorn.

Our Changing World

Watching the evolution of the world is absolutely inspiring! We had another more recent outer planet stellium in Capricorn. In February of 2020 we had a triple conjunction of Pluto with Jupiter & Saturn. This coincides with when news circled of Covid starting to become a world problem. The destruction of life as we knew it would enfold in the time that followed. What we all knew of the world will never be again. We all had a massive time out to really think about things and decide what is working in our lives and what is not. People do not want to work their lives away for jobs that they do not care about any more. We are collectively starting to value our time more than ever and we are starting to question systems and structures that have been in place for as long as we know.

This sub generation is helping in major ways to lead the world in a new direction. Most of these people also have Pluto in Scorpio (which I talk about in this Article) which is also a marker of a change maker. I have a lot of hope for the future and I hope that you do too. Please reach out if you would like to talk about the conjunction of Uranus and Neptune in your chart or anything else.