Sun or Moon Conjunct Outer Planet-tapped into the Collective

Sun or Moon Conjunct Outer Planet-tapped into the Collective


The outer planets carry with them unseen collective knowledge that is difficult for most people to tap into. In a birth chart the meaning of the outer planets often get slightly discarded because the generational placements that you share with your peers are not treated as anything special. When you are young and in school you will spend most of your time surrounded a majority of people who have those same outer planet placements as you, so the collective pull inside of you will then become normalized.

If you have your sun or moon conjunct Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto you have a direct feed into that planets part of the collective subconscious. You will essentially receive direct downloads of the planet’s collective energy:

Uranus is instant innovation and humanitarian interests– It is collective progressive thought;

Neptune is the planet of spirituality and empathy– It is collective human emotion;

Pluto is death & rebirth, transformation, metamorphosis– It is collective secrets and control issues.

As the sun circles the zodiac each year it will pass by Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. In comparison to the speed of the sun it will seem like the other planets are not moving at all. The sun moves about a degree a day so the timeframe for a conjunction would be about 20 days per year. The moon is much faster as it circles the zodiac in a month (moon-th) and will conjunct each outer planet for about a 40 hour timeframe. 40 hours per month over a year is about the same as 20 days, meaning that the rarity of these two types of conjunctions are roughly the same.

When the Sun or Moon is conjunct an outer planet you will by default, have incredible synastry with all of your peers. The closer in age you are to someone, the more similar your outer planets will appear in your birth charts. The tighter the conjunction, the more fused the themes will be. Your mere presence may trigger some people because of the way they feel the energy of your sun or moon affecting their outer planet. The same energy that you have felt every day of your life will feel like a shock to someone else who doesn’t know how to handle it. This may have made going to school and being surrounded by peers difficult for you and you may have had a lot of difficulty with dating anyone close to your age as well.

The Sun Conjunct Outer Planet

Having your ego fused to an outer planet will mean that the themes of this planet will become a part of what lights you up. It will be a part of how you see yourself and how you describe yourself to others.

Uranus conjunct your sun will make you see yourself as different to most everyone else. You will feel much more open minded and open to change. You may feel a bit like an alien but what lights you up is the public good and progress. You will be an amazing friend and be extremely accepting of everyones uniqueness. You will prefer to live life self directed and may feel like a bit of a loner sometimes. It is important that you embrace following your own path.

Synastry: Uranus moves one degree of the zodiac every 0.233 years. This means that it will be conjunct where your sun is for a four and a half year time period. The sun person usually rapidly accepts the other causing the other to open up too. This can lead to fast forming relationships that do not always stick. The Sun person can be hurt when the relationship does not last.

Neptune conjunct your sun is having your ego fused to emotions in general. You will be lit up by sharing feelings and have great empathy for others. You may lack psychic boundaries and may have a have a hard time defining your own identity and what you want. You have an inspirational spiritual and dream life and are full of creativity.

Synastry: Neptune moves one degree of the zodiac every 0.456 years. This means the planet would be conjunct your sun for over eight and a half years. The sun person forgives very easily and is often mislead by their own nature to trust others without cause. They often look at the other with optimism and a sense of vulnerability.

Pluto conjunct the sun will charge your ego with great power. You will be an intense person who can see through other people when they are lying. You may also have the power to manipulate others, whether or not you choose to abuse that power. Your ego will feed itself based off of its past traumas, which you may have agreed to experience in this life. Your ego needs to transform in some way and sometimes that is through experiencing pain.

Synastry: Pluto moves 0.4 degrees a year at its fastest speed (through scorpio). This means that your sun will be conjunct the Pluto of others for at least a seven and a half year period. Your sun will be a beacon of light for others in your generation. Their hidden parts are what you feel comfortable exposing which helps you to make others feel seen.

Moon in Conjunction with an Outer Planet

Having your emotions fused with the collective energy can be quite challenging. The themes of these planets will bring you comfort and make you feel safe.

Uranus conjunct your moon may cause a person to have emotional ups and downs that come on very quick and can even lead you to short circuit when you are overwhelmed. There will be many emotional break throughs in their life. They may have had to adapt to some something in childhood that causes them to intellectualize their feelings. They will be very talented at solving puzzles, riddles, and other people’s problems. Their friendships will be incredibly important to them and they will need others as an outlet for their emotions.

Synastry: Uranus moves one degree of the zodiac every 0.233 years. This means that it will be conjunct your moon for a 4 and a half year time period. The moon person will appreciate the other person’s quirks and feel excited by them. Sharing their quirks makes them feel emotionally connected. They may feel much more attached much quicker than the other person. This can make romance difficult but is amazing synastry for friendships.

Neptune conjunct moon will give your emotions a super charged empathy making you susceptible to feeling the weight of the world. Your emotions will be dreamy and imaginative and you will constantly see the good in others. You may have learned by example from your mother to not set boundaries with people. You will have to work very hard to put firm boundaries into place so that you are not constantly feeling the emotions of others. You may have big emotional ups and downs that overcome you like a fog and hard to decipher like a dream.

Synastry: Neptune moves one degree of the zodiac every 0.456 years, meaning that the planet would be conjunct your moon for over eight and a half years. The moon person may have too much idealism and give trust that is not earned to the other person. The moon person will look to the other for emotional support and may not receive it. The other person may see you as a place to escape. This may be a repeating theme in your life until you learn to set better boundaries and trust people based on merit and consistency.

Pluto conjunct moon will make your emotions incredibly intense. You will crave close emotional attachments to others and can become demanding and obsessive of your partners. It is important for you to become comfortable enough to express your repressed desires. You may crave intensity and feel uncomfortable when things are too calm. It is important to learn that try to control everything is what is disturbing our peace and making us anxious. Learning to give up control is what can set this moon free.

Synastry: Pluto moves 0.4 degrees a year at its fastest speed (through scorpio). This means that your sun will be conjunct the Pluto of others for at least a seven and a half year period. The moon person can feel an intense unconscious pull to the other person and refuse to let go. There is incredible intensity here and the two may have a very intimate and raw relationship. Their relationship does run the risk of being obsessive and controlling.

Triggering Others

Your whole life you will be someone who easily triggers others within your age range. Because these outer planets move so slowly, many of your peers will have their outer planets conjunct your sun or moon in a synastry chart. These intense emotions are something that you may have grown used to, but others will be shocked to meet you and experience your energy. For you, you have no idea what it is like NOT to have these placements. When others get close to you the synastry will cause them to feel your sun/moon on their outer planets. They will suddenly feel much more aware of these intense energies through you!

You will better learn to navigate these kinds of experiences over time. It is part of your life path to experience them. You may eventually decide that you get along better with those younger or older than you. Maybe your life partner will be be significantly different to you in age.

It is beneficial to know the affect that you have on other people. You can try to not get sucked back into the repeating dramas that happen when you are unaware and get sucked in. Just because someone reacts to you in a certain way does not mean that you have to feel offended. Others are stuck repeating their patterns until they are woken up from them too.