Millennials Part II–Pluto in Scorpio: Chiron and Lilith Combinations

Millennials Part II--Pluto in Scorpio: Chiron and Lilith Combinations


While Pluto was in the sign of Scorpio, Chiron only traversed through six different signs. This gives us a look at the unique types of wounding that Millennials have experienced. This can also help us get an idea of what they might need to do to begin to heal. To understand the wounding to a deeper level, we can look to Lilith (Black Moon Lilith) to get an understanding of where our shame also lies. This may further complicate the matter of healing as often times the themes of wounding and shame will be tied together, although this is not always the case. In my previous article (Shame and the Healing Burdens of Millennials-Pluto in Scorpio) I discussed the meanings of Pluto in Scorpio, the Pluto signs as generations, and the meanings of Chiron and Lilith in the birth chart.

As a quick reminder the Pluto in Scorpio generation have collective deep intense emotions and a need to help the world accomplish transformation. We were born in an intense and secretive time that was very focused on power and power dynamics. We witnessed a lot of intense things early on, like the fear of dying from sex (AIDS epidemic), gangs, and even the end of the world due to the failing environment and humanities lack of a response to it. We also were the first generation to get computers and cell phones in the home while growing up, although we are old enough to remember what it was like before them (and with that what it was like to be bored).

When reading these placements please always remember how necessary it is to look at the complete birth chart! The following list of interpretations can tell you a lot, but they will be greatly modified and influenced by other aspects to the planets in the birth chart. Additional aspects will help to clarify and add complexity to the story of your life and your general energy. Getting a professional reading about this part of your life in detail can aid you in putting words together to begin to describe the traumas that you have been through and the shame that you carry because of it.

Following are the Lilith/Chiron combinations for those born with Pluto in Scorpio:

Chiron in Gemini


Lilith in Aquarius can make a person feel ashamed for being unique and different. They probably have always felt weird and may often wonder why they cannot just be more like everyone else. As a child, not fitting in probably felt excruciating and they could have attracted bullies. Often these individuals learn to suppress their inventiveness and creative intellect to appear more like everyone else. If this part of the person remains unhealed they can begin to reject society back and feel like an outcast. They may fear joining social groups because of the pain of potential rejection. This pent up shame can lead to not only their isolation, but also them coming across as rude and stubborn.

Chiron in Gemini represents a wound in the ability to communicate and speak your mind freely. These people can feel like it is not worth the effort to try to help others to understand them because it is futile. They often feel like others would never be able to fully understand them and it is not worth it to try to explain how they think or feel.

The combination of two themes can continue to feed into each other making both problems worse and worse.It is easy to see how feeling like you cannot communicate would lead to more and more repressing of your true self exasperating the Aquarius Lilith shame. This person needs to surround themself with at least a few people accepts them as they are and takes the time to really listen to them. They need to feel like it is safe for them to express themselves and be encouraged to be unique and weird. They need to be encouraged to “let their freak flag fly”.

Chiron Moves into Taurus


Lilith in the sign of Aquarius can make a person feel ashamed for being unique and different. They probably have always felt weird and may often wonder why they cannot just be more like everyone else. As a child, not fitting in probably felt excruciating and they could have attracted bullies. Often these individuals suppress their inventiveness and creative intellect to appear more like everyone else. If this part of the person remains unhealed they can begin to reject society back and feel like an outcast. They may fear joining social groups because of the pain of potential rejection. This pent up shame can lead to not only their isolation, but also them coming across as rude and stubborn.

Chiron in Taurus is a wound of stability, feeling safe and comfortable, and also of self worth. They may feel like they were not taken care of adequately as a child. Taurus has a lot to do with the 5 senses and with a wound here is suggests that perhaps all of their needs were not met. These individuals may feel like they are not worthy of having their needs met.

The combination of Lilith and Chiron may cause the individual to feel unworthy of self care because they feel so unique and different. This may cause them to accept poor treatment from others because they do not feel that they deserve better.

Aspects made by Chiron and Lilith was a tight square aspect this entire timeframe. These two being in square aspect means that there is some kind of friction between them and in a way they are disagreeing with each other. In one way or another the two themes are tied and when one is activated so is the other. In the best case scenario the two will challenge each other and make healing easier.


Lilith in Pisces can make a person ashamed of their own emotions and of being perceived as being too sensitive. This person may begin to suppress their imagination and feelings if this shame goes unhealed. They can also become erratic and delusional when triggered. The Lilith is Pisces shame can also be tied to religion or spirituality in some way.

Chiron in Taurus is a wound of stability, feeling safe and comfortable, and also of self worth. They may feel like they were not taken care of adequately as a child. Taurus has a lot to do with the 5 senses and with a wound here is suggests that perhaps all of their needs were not met. These individuals may feel like they are not worthy of having their needs met.

The combination means that the child may become too fearful of looking emotional to even ask for comfort when they need it. They can become too shut down to admit that they need something to feel safe.

Chiron Moves Into Gemini

4/12/1984-9/6/1984 (from 5/19/1984 to 8/28/1984 Pluto was in Libra)

Lilith in Pisces can make a person ashamed of their own emotions and being perceived as being too sensitive. This person may begin to suppress their imagination and feelings if this shame goes unhealed. They can also become erratic and delusional when triggered. The Lilith is Pisces shame can also be tied to religion or spirituality in some way.

Chiron in Gemini represents a wounding in the ability to communicate and speak your mind freely. These people can feel like it is not worth the effort to try to help others to understand them because it is futile. They often feel like others would never be able to fully understand them and it is not worth it to try to explain how they think or feel.

This combination you now have individuals that not only are ashamed of their emotions but cannot express them easily even when they try to. This can make it doubly difficult to begin the process of healing. When triggered they may be at a complete loss of words as to why they are even upset.


Lilith in Aries is shame of feeling selfish for going after what you want or being assertive. This can lead to feeling rejected anytime that you try to take the lead in something. If one does not learn how to heal this shame and express it in a healthy way it can lead to lashing out and fits of violent rage (either internally or externally).

Chiron in Gemini represents a wounding in the ability to communicate and speak your mind freely. These people can feel like it is not worth the effort to try to help others to understand them because it is futile. They often feel like others would never be able to fully understand them and it is not worth it to try to explain how they think or feel.

This combination makes it feel nearly impossible to ask for what you want or to even find the words to describe it. You may have trouble asking to go first in something or expressing what drives you.

Aspects made were that Lilith and Chiron were linked in a sextile aspect during this period meaning that these two themes may be related or that the wound may have caused the shame. When one of these points is activated, the other will be as well.


Lilith in Taurus is shame of experiencing pleasure in general. As a child you may have been shamed into suppressing your desires. If not healed this can lead to overindulgence, obsessive thoughts and actions, possessiveness and jealousy. Once integrated into your personality this placement can be a gift that helps you be more in touch with your sensuality, romantic side, and beauty in general.

Chiron in Gemini represents a wounding in the ability to communicate and speak your mind freely. These people can feel like it is not worth the effort to try to help others to understand them because it is futile. They often feel like others would never be able to fully understand them and it is not worth it to try to explain how they think or feel.

This combination makes it difficult to find the words to express our desires. We may be ashamed to communicate how we like to receive pleasure from others. The Chiron wound has us shut down when we are triggered so that we have a difficult time communicating.


Lilith in Gemini is a shame in the way we speak or communicated. You may have been shamed for expressing your ideas and curiosity as a child. Adults may have been irritated by you asking too many questions. You could have felt in some way rejected for being either ‘too smart’ or not feeling smart enough. You may have learned from this to hide your opinions or true feelings of things in an effort to avoid that shame. Until you heal this shame inside yourself you will have to watch out for your sharp tongue when you are angry as you will be very good at hurting or shaming others when you are upset.

Chiron in Gemini represents a wounding in the ability to communicate and speak your mind freely. These people can feel like it is not worth the effort to try to help others to understand them because it is futile.They often feel like others would never be able to fully understand them and it is not worth it to try to explain how they think or feel.

This combination will feel like a double whammy having both pain indicators in the same sign. However, on the other hand it is only one burden (although more complicated) to heal.

The Aspect during this period when Lilith and Chiron were both in Gemini is that they remained conjunct. This will fuze their significations meaning that the wound and the shame will feel like the same thing. The exact conjunction occurred on 9/4/1986 so the closer you were born to that day the stronger this inability to separate the wound from shame will feel to you.


Lilith in Cancer is a wound in nurturing and affection. You may have learned during childhood to hide your true feelings and emotions because you are just “too much” when you express yourself. Showing your emotions will probably feel like a sign of weakness to you which makes it difficult to feel safe enough to be able to open up and be vulnerable around others. If this goes unhealed you may become extremely guarded and since you are hiding your true feelings you will simply come across as moody when your resentment shows through your facade of pretending to be okay. Although this Lilith placement craves closeness, it tends to push others away. Until you integrate this part of you, situations may trigger you into being manipulative in getting what you want (since you will refuse to be vulnerable).

Chiron in Gemini represents a wounding in the ability to communicate and speak your mind freely. These people can feel like it is not worth the effort to try to help others to understand them because it is futile. They often feel like others would never be able to fully understand them and it is not worth it to try to explain how they think or feel.

This combination will make it even more difficult to express your feelings and will most likely lead to more bottling up of emotions and even bigger explosions. You may completely shut down when it comes to verbalizing your emotions and feel compelled to remain silent instead. There can be a lack of trust in one’s self to be able to express hurt without overdoing it and causing a catastrophe. These people need to remember that others are not mind readers and that it is necessary and okay for you to express that you are hurt and to explain why.


Lilith in Leo can produce shame of self expression and for craving verbal praise. There may be a fear of being seen as egotistical or too dramatic. Shame may be linked to being playful in general and not getting enough work done. Possibly as a child the adults around you grew irritable and chastised you for being too rambunctious or having loud laughter. This can result in a fear of expressing yourself or putting yourself in the spot light. These people crave to be seen and recognized but are ashamed to admit it.

Chiron in Gemini represents a wounding in the ability to communicate and speak your mind freely. These people can feel like it is not worth the effort to try to help others to understand them because it is futile. They often feel like others would never be able to fully understand them and it is not worth it to try to explain how they think or feel.

This combination can make you feel like its your fault that you cannot receive the admiration that you want because you cannot even adequately express that you want it. They will verbally shit down when it comes to expressing their ideas and goals.


Lilith in Virgo may make a person feel shame about their natural inclination towards attention to detail. As a child they were likely critiqued on how they did everything and for their habitual routines. This can infuse someone with a fear of not being perfect so that they can become afraid to even try to accomplish things. When this is suppressed and not dealt with it can lead to that person becoming just as critical as the person who shamed them as a child. This placement can also lead to a lot of anxiety over perfection and overthinking in general.

Chiron in Gemini represents a wounding in the ability to communicate and speak your mind freely. These people can feel like it is not worth the effort to try to help others to understand them because it is futile. They often feel like others would never be able to fully understand them and it is not worth it to try to explain how they think or feel.

This combination can become a roadblock to being able to communicate can hold back progress from healing the shame of perfectionism. They may not feel like they have to words to explain their complicated reasons for feeling unable to move forward with things because of the anxiety that they feel over perfection.

Chiron Moves Into Cancer


Lilith in Virgo may make a person feel shame about their natural inclination towards attention to detail. As a child they were likely critiqued on how they did everything and for their habitual routines. This can infuse someone with a fear of not being perfect so that they can become afraid to even try to accomplish things. When this is suppressed and not dealt with it can lead to that person becoming just as critical as the person who shamed them as a child. This placement can also lead to a lot of anxiety over perfection and overthinking in general.

Chiron in cancer can cause the wound of never feeling nurtured enough. It suggests that the child felt that one or both parents were not being affectionate in the way that that child needed and craved while they were developing. This person should learn to self parent and give their inner child lots of love.

This combination can cause the person to feel like they did not receive enough attention either because they were not perfect enough, or because of their obsessive perfectionist tendencies made them unlovable.

A conjunction of Chiron and the sun occurred and lasted up until July 3rd. People with this aspect in their birth chart will have Chiron fused to their ego, which obviously is quite painful and confusing to navigate.

A trine formed between Pluto and Chiron that would last until December 25th, 1988. This signals that there is an easy flow of energy between Virgo self criticizing shame and Cancer abandonment wounding and that when one is triggered, so is the other.


Lilith in Libra may make someone feel shame about being too partner focused and over-compromising with their parter. They may fear depending on anyone else and feel the need to constantly prove their independence. Inside what this person craves is companionship but they often push others away because they fear looking weak and needy.

Chiron in Cancer is the wound of never feeling nurtured enough. It suggests that the child felt that one or both parents were not being affectionate in the way that that child needed and craved while they were developing. This person should learn to self parent and give their inner child lots of love.

This combination can cause the person to feel even more isolated when they do not have a partner since they are craving nurturing so much. They can be terrified of coming across as vulnerable and needy and also afraid to give up too much of themselves. Their fears may hold them back from the happiness that they crave from a healthy relationship, which may be one of the things that they crave the most.


Lilith in Scorpio may cause a person to be shameful about being too intense and power focused. This can also lead to a suppression of sexuality out of shame. As a child, this person may have been made to feel powerless or submissive in some way. This can lead to a person lashing out and becoming self destructive and spiteful if they do not do their healing.

Chiron in Cancer is the wound of never feeling nurtured enough. It suggests that the child felt that one or both parents were not being affectionate in the way that that child needed and craved while they were developing. This person should learn to self parent and give their inner child lots of love.

A trine formed between Chiron and Lilith at this time meaning that the causes of the wound and the shame are most likely related and when one is triggered, so is the other. Lilith was also conjunct Pluto at this time (beginning January 9th and ending June 19th with the exact conjunction occurring on April 7th). This conjunction would add a lot of intensity to Lilith and will either aid in the transformation or cause more intense power struggles for the individual.


Lilith in Sagittarius may make a person afraid to speak their mind freely, express their beliefs, and use their intuition. They may also feel shame when it comes to long distance traveling and exploration (physically or mentally) or of being too optimistic. This person’s inner child is screaming for freedom. If this part of a person is not healed then they risk becoming preachy and over bearing with their opinions when they are upset.

The Chiron in Cancer wound is never feeling nurtured enough. It suggests that the child felt that one or both parents were not being affectionate in the way that that child needed and craved while they were developing. This person should learn to self parent and give their inner child lots of love.

This combination of placements can manifest as the individual feeling like their alternative beliefs is the cause of them not being as nurtured by the parents as they would have liked. This can cause they to further suppress their fascination with beliefs systems in order to try to receive more affection.


Lilith in Capricorn can manifest as fear and shame when it comes to achieving their goals, and following rules and structure. As a child, they probably were criticized for the way that they structured themselves as they went after their goals and when they did succeed they may have not felt recognized for their achievements. They have a deep fear of failure. If this is not healed these people can become obsessed with success which may make them controlling and rigid in their routines.

The Chiron in Cancer wound is never feeling nurtured enough. It suggests that the child felt that one or both parents were not being affectionate in the way that that child needed and craved while they were developing. This person should learn to self parent and give their inner child lots of love.

This combination may lead this person to feel that they did not receive enough nurturing because they were not successful enough. They may become work success as a way to feel worthy enough of love and affection but in that pursuit push people away because they are too busy and always at work.

Chiron Moves Into Leo


Lilith in Capricorn can manifest as fear and shame when it comes to achieving their goals, and following rules and structure. As a child, they probably were criticized for the way that they structured themselves as they went after their goals and when they did succeed they may have not felt recognized for their achievements. They have a deep fear of failure. If this is not healed these people can become obsessed with success which may make them controlling and rigid in their routines.

Chiron in Leo is a direct wound to the ego and a person’s ability to shine. This is a wound to their pride and their ability to be in the spotlight. You may feel like no matter how hard that you try you are always fading into the background. It may also feel like they have to work extra hard to prove their worth to others or to get the attention that it appears others receive more easily.

This combination of shame from lack of success and wounding from feeling that recognition never comes can definitely feed into one another. This person may become paralyzed from even trying to achieve their goals or go after the spot light. Knowing that these tendencies are there and that they can be overcome can greatly help with this individuals quality of life.


Lilith in the sign of Aquarius can make a person feel ashamed for being unique and different. They probably have always felt weird and may often wonder why they cannot just be more like everyone else. As a child, not fitting in probably felt excruciating and they may have even attracted bullies. Often these individuals suppress their inventiveness and creative intellect to appear more like everyone else. If this part of the person remains unhealed they can begin to reject society back and feel like an outcast. They may fear joining social groups because of the pain of potential rejection. This pent up shame can lead to not only their isolation, but also them coming across as rude and stubborn.

Chiron in Leo is a direct wound to the ego and a person’s ability to shine. This is a wound to their pride and their ability to be in the spotlight. You may feel like no matter how hard that you try you are always fading into the background. It may also feel like they have to work extra hard to prove their worth to others or to get the attention that it appears others receive more easily.

The combination of shame in being inherently different can help to explain the wound of never feeling good enough to receive the spotlight which can lead to them feeding into each other and supporting each other.

A square between Pluto and Chiron formed over this timeframe becoming exact towards the end. This is a direct challenge from the intensity of Pluto to the Leo ego wound of Chiron. This may have greatly intensified the initial wound for these people but if they do heal, this can also multiply the affect of their superpower of being a healer for others. They will especially be good at helping others be able to shine. On 2/29 Lilith formed an exact opposition to Chiron and was in effect this entire timeframe. This means that there will be a push/pull between these the shame of being unique and the pain of not being seen. They may be able to only feel one at a time (and possibly project one of the theme onto others) until both themes are integrated into their personalities so they can begin.


Lilith in Pisces can make a person ashamed of their own emotions and of being perceived as being too sensitive. This person may begin to suppress feelings and if this shame goes unhealed they can become erratic and delusional when emotional because they have been letting things build up for so long. The Lilith is Pisces shame can effect the persons imagination also be tied to religion or spirituality in some way.

Chiron in Leo is a direct wound to the ego and a person’s ability to shine. This is a wound to their pride and their ability to be in the spotlight. You may feel like no matter how hard that you try you are always fading into the background. It may also feel like they have to work extra hard to prove their worth to others or to get the attention that it appears others receive more easily.

The combination of these two themes will make the person ashamed for feeling emotional for not being seen. This will probably result in the individual being able to speak about their pain that they’re feeling.

A square formed at the beginning of this period between Pluto and Chiron. This is a direct challenge from the secrecy of Pluto to the Ego wound of Chiron. This may have greatly intensified the wound for these people but if they heal, this can also multiply the affect of their superpower to be able to help others heal and specifically to Chiron in Leo–help others to shine.


Lilith in Aries can give shame for being selfish or going after what we want, and being assertive. You may have felt rejected anytime that you tried to take the lead in something. If one does not learn how to heal this shame and express it in a healthy way it can lead to lashing out and fits of violent rage (either internally or externally).

Chiron in Leo is a direct wound to the ego and a person’s ability to shine. This is a wound to their pride and their ability to be in the spotlight. You may feel like no matter how hard that you try you are always fading into the background. It may also feel like they have to work extra hard to prove their worth to others or to get the attention that it appears others receive more easily.

This combination may make the person feel too ashamed of being selfish to ever actually go after being in the spotlight. They may have secret desires about asserting themselves and chasing their dreams because they may feel like they are not worthy of the spotlight.

Aspects are made by both Pluto (square) and Lilith (trine) to Chiron. Pluto is challenging Chiron and Lilith agrees with Chiron. All three are joined in dialogue.

Chiron Moves in Virgo


Lilith in Aries is shame for being selfish or going after what we want, and being assertive. You may have felt rejected anytime that you tried to take the lead in something. If One does not learn how to heal this shame and express it in a healthy way it can lead to lashing out and fits of violent rage (either internally or externally).

Chiron in Virgo is the wound of never feeling helpful or of service enough. Also it can result in a lot of anxiety and in being overcritical most likely because a parent was overcritical of them. Their inner critic is probably maddening and they are likely very anxious. They may be hyper focused on order and cleanliness or they may suffer with sticking to a routine.

This combination can result in a very anxious person who is afraid of being assertive. They may over think their ambitions and what steps they need to take to get there.

A sextile aspect was formed by Pluto and Chiron formed during this period which symbolizes the potential of an easy flow of energy and a relation in these topics so when one is triggered, so is the other.


Lilith in Taurus is shame of experiencing pleasure in general. As a child you may have been shamed into suppressing your desires. If not healed this can lead to overindulgence, obsessive thoughts and actions, possessiveness and jealousy. Once integrated into your personality this placement can be a gift that helps you be more in touch with your sensuality, romantic side, and beauty in general.

Chiron in Virgo is the wound of never feeling helpful or of service enough. Also it can result in a lot of anxiety and in being overcritical most likely because a parent was overcritical of them. Their inner critic is probably maddening and they are likely very anxious. They may be hyper focused on order and cleanliness or they may suffer with sticking to a routine.

The sextile aspect was formed by Pluto and Chiron formed during this period which symbolizes the potential of an easy flow of energy and a relation in these topics. Also when one is triggered, so is the other.

1/3/1995-9/10/1995 (minus 1/18/1995-4/22/1995 because Pluto was in Sagittarius)

Lilith in Gemini is a shame and repression of the way we speak or communicated. You may have been shamed for expressing your ideas and curiosity as a child. You could have felt in some way rejected for being ‘too smart’ or curious. You may have learned from this to hide your opinions or true feelings of things in an effort to avoid that shame. Until you heal this shame inside yourself you will have to watch out for your sharp tongue when you are angry as you will be very good at hurting or shaming others when you are upset.

Chiron in Virgo is the wound of never feeling helpful or of service enough. Also it can result in a lot of anxiety and in being overcritical most likely because a parent was overcritical of them. Their inner critic is probably maddening and they are likely very anxious. They may be hyper focused on order and cleanliness or they may suffer with sticking to a routine.

The sextile is formed between Pluto and Chiron during this period which symbolizes the potential of an easy flow of energy and a relation in these topics. Also when one is triggered, so is the other.

Chiron Moves Into Libra


Lilith in Gemini is a shame in the way we speak or communicated. You may have been shamed for expressing your ideas and curiosity as a child. You could have felt in some way rejected for being ‘too smart’ or curious. You may have learned from this to hide your opinions or true feelings of things in an effort to avoid that shame. Until you heal this shame inside yourself you will have to watch out for your sharp tongue when you are angry as you will be very good at hurting or shaming others when you are upset.

Chiron in Libra is wounding in relationships. As a child, a person with Chiron in Libra may have grown up around a lot of arguing coming from their parents. They may have felt forced into being a diplomat, they may have seen the logic where the squabbling adults could not. They may also view relationships in general as causing wounds and be afraid to get too close to people. Their wound may cause the other extreme and they may be so terrified of being alone that they stay in bad relationships way too long.


Lilith in Cancer is a wound from a lack of nurturing or affection. You may have learned during childhood to hide your true feelings and emotions and that showing your emotions is a sign of weakness. For whatever reason you may not have felt safe enough to be able to open up and be vulnerable around others, making you extremely guarded and come across as moody. Although this Lilith placement craves closeness, it tends to push others away. Until you integrate this part of you, situations may trigger you into being manipulative in getting what you want.

Chiron in Libra is wounding in relationships. As a child, a person with Chiron in Libra may have grown up around a lot of arguing coming from their parents. They may have felt forced into being a diplomat, they may have seen the logic where the squabbling adults could not. They may also view relationships in general as causing wounds and be afraid to get too close to people. Their wound may cause the other extreme and they may be so terrified of being alone that they stay in bad relationships way too long.

This combination may cause a person to be completely relationship focused either staying in a bad relationship or too scared to get into a new relationship. This person probably has a tendency to hide emotional issues in the relationship out of fear of conflict.

Doing Our Best to Heal

It is obviously very difficult to figure out how to begin to heal. One of the biggest challenges and an amazing first step is having the courage to even look at your problems. It is much easier to look away and pretend that your problems do not exist. By allowing yourself to see them, acknowledge them, and perhaps even speak about them, the healing process will begin on its own.

This part of healing is accepting your shadow–the parts of yourself that you refuse to look at. These are the parts of yourself that are ‘in the dark’, that make you feel shame and guilt. Your Lilith placement can help you identify part of your shadow. She will stop rearing her ugly head once you stop repressing her. Once healed, Chiron will give you the gift of becoming a natural healer for others, trying to spare them from your own wound. The experience of integrating and overcoming pain can lead a person to amazing growth and transformation.

On the other hand, we cannot successfully choose to ignore our shadow for long, even if we try to. The harder you push it down and ignore it, the more it will rear its ugly head and challenge you. Once you begin to integrate all the parts of you it will become easier to express your shadow in constructive ways. Expressing the repressed part of yourself can be like learning how to exercise a new muscle and will get easier and easier with repetition.

I wish you the best on your own healing journey! I would love to help you take a more in depth look at the ways that you can heal yourself.

Please reach out if you would like to share your chart with me as I would LOVE to help you heal.